Legal services

Accurate timekeeping and client billing for legal services

Legal time tracking requires attention to detail - that's why this law firm uses Memtime to capture time in every email, document, and browser tab for billing.
Polly McLean

Attorney, Peak Law

Hi Polly. What is your profession and what does your company do?

Polly: I am an attorney with Peak Law in Utah.

Why is accurate time tracking important for your business?

Polly: I need to have accurate time keeping for billing my clients and seeing where my time goes.

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Polly: Before Memtime I would forget when I started on the project or when I stopped.

Before Memtime I would forget when I started on the project or when I stopped.
How was Memtime able to solve this problem?

Polly: Memtime lets me see by the minute what I was working on - whether it be an email, research on the internet or drafting a document. It helps me see what time I started and stopped so I can bill clients accurately.

How did the integration of Memtime go?

Polly: I started Memtime by itself and then connected it to Clio. Using Memtime was easy. It is very intuitive and shows you exactly what you are doing during the time you are on the computer. It was also a seamless and easy transition to use it with Clio and it would take my time and input in their software.

Memtime lets me see by the minute what I was working on – whether it be an email, research on the internet or drafting a document.
If friends would ask you why they should try Memtime - what would you tell them?

Polly: Memtime is easy to use and a visual representation of your time. It makes your timing keeping more accurate. Their team is very responsive with questions and it has helped me daily make sure my billing is accurate.

Lawyers & attorneys love Memtime!

See how law firms can benefit from accurate time tracking

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