How does Memtime work?

The magic behind fully automated time tracking, explained
Export time entries as reports or send them to your project software.
Projects are displayed here – mirrored from your project software or custom made.
This is where you create time entries and log hours on tasks.
This is your activity timeline. It's populated automatically while you work.





How does Memtime work

Review your day

This is your activity timeline. It's populated automatically while you work.
Review your day

Create time entries

This is where you create time entries and log hours on tasks.
Create time entries

Import projects

Projects are displayed here – mirrored from your project software or custom made.
Import projects

Export time entries

When you create time entries and assign them to projects, they're synced into connected software.
Export time entries

Get started with Memtime today

No credit card required

No credit card required

Key insights in brief

Memtime is like a personal assistant documenting your day
Detect active windows
Activity recording
You don’t have to do anything
From the minute you’ve installed Memtime, you can forget about time tracking. Activity recording will start automatically and continue running in the background throughout the day.
Fully automatically
Capturing time fully automatically
Everything is memorized
Your time in every program, email, document, file, tab – even if you have a million tabs open – will be captured automatically.
Data control
Full control of data
You have full control of data
Your activity data is stored on your device. Only you can see your activity timeline, delete, edit, or export data. You can also exclude certain activities from being recorded.

Meet your automatic timeline

Memory Aid is Memtime’s automatic timeline that displays your day
Capturing programs
Captures every tab and program

Memory Aid

Memory Aid is an automatic timeline of your computer activity. It’s populated in real time as you work. It displays your time in programs chronologically and helps you remember what you were working on at any given time.
Tracks time in every tab and program in Memory Aid
Zoom increments
Displaying day in detail
Displays your day in detail

Zoom in/out

Use the zoom feature to adjust the grid to the level of detail you need for your time logging. Your activity timeline can be displayed in intervals of 1-60 min depending on what zoom level you choose.
Activity grouping
Intelligently groups activities

Activity grouping

Memtime intelligently groups your captured activities. You get the most prominent activity for each time interval and instantly understand what project you were working on. You can also click on the activity to see what’s grouped under it.
Intelligent activity grouping
Data privacy
Storing activity data offline
Stores activity data offline

Total privacy

All data in your Memory Aid timeline is private and stored locally on your device. Offline data means no colleagues or managers can see your activity timeline. This is our privacy guarantee to you.

Delete your data at any time

Delete individual activities
Delete individual activities
Exclude activities from being recorded
Exclude activities from being recorded
Clear your Memory Aid
Clear your entire Memory Aid

Time entries. Faster than ever.

Remember your day at a glance and create time entries in seconds
Remembering what you worked on

Remember faster

Based on your Memory Aid on the left, you can easily remember what you worked on and log hours right next to it. Click and drag to create time entries calendar-style or let Memtime do it for you AI-style.

Creating time entries

Create time entries

Memtime syncs with your project software and mirrors your project and task structure. If you don’t use third-party project software, you can create your own custom Memtime projects for free.

Sharing custom reports

Export manually

Generate custom reports and export data at your convenience. Share with clients, attach to invoices, or simply export in CSV, PDF, or Excel format for private use.

Exporting to project software

Export automatically

Put hour logging on autopilot and watch time entries appear in your connected project software, together with comments and other details. Hands-free export and peace of mind.

Free trial of Memtime


The beauty of automatic time tracking is that you can forget all about it
Can Memtime really track EVERY program?

What if I have several windows open?
What if I work a lot with local files/documents/emails?
Will there be a Memtime mobile app?
Can I use Memtime on multiple devices?
Who can see my data? Can bosses monitor employees with Memtime?
How do I integrate Memtime with project software?
Can I try Memtime for free?