‍Remote work time tracking, automated – but private

Memtime is the only work from home automatic time tracker that guarantees privacy by keeping activity data offline on one device only.

No credit card required

No credit card required

Remote work time tracking by Memtime

Runs autonomously

Our desktop app for Windows, macOS, and Linux runs in the background and passively records your time in programs.
Remembers everything

Remembers everything

Every minute of your workday is remembered and stored in an automatic activity timeline, private and visible only to you.
Guarantees privacy

Guarantees privacy

You have full control of your data. Nobody else can see what you worked on. You can delete all data from your device anytime.

Ethical remote employee time tracking

Remote work time tracking is a win-win when done automatically and ethically

Save time

Setting timers, coming up with descriptions, and assigning tasks to projects can become a part-time job that gets in the way of actual work. Manual time tracking costs an average remote worker 0.5 days a week, not to mention the stress of getting it done. Memtime handles timekeeping so your employees never have to waste time or be stressed about it.
I often forgot to activate my tracker, or to switch to a different activity.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review
My PMs are happy because they get accurate reports.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review

Improve accuracy

The reason your remote team’s timesheets are never accurate is because people forget to track time. And when they remember, it’s impossible to reconstruct their past work in detail. Memtime remembers everything for you. You only need one glance at your automatic activity log to recover every minute and enter project hours with 95% accuracy.

Grow profitability

Time is the most costly resource of any remote team. When you know how that time is being allocated, you have reliable insights into utilization and any profitability issues. By comparing your team’s estimated vs actual project hours, you can determine which clients and services bring the most revenue and grow your delivery margins.
Memtime helps us get clarity on project scopes and profitability.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review
Employee friendly tool

Memtime’s remote work log, explained

Here’s how Memtime helps remote teams track project times automatically
Time recording in the background

Install and forget

Your time tracking effort stops the moment you’ve installed Memtime. The app will record your time in programs without any input from you by running 24/7 in the background.
Data stored only on device

Open when you need it

Open Memtime whenever you need to remember what you worked on. You’ll see a chronological timeline of all recorded activities in 1-60 minute intervals.
Recorded activities in 1-60 minute intervals

Organize your data

Your activity data is stored only on your device. You can delete individual or all records, rename offline times, and create exportable time entries for your projects.
Sync time entries with connected apps

Populate timesheets

Quickly log hours on projects created locally or pulled from your project software. Memtime will sync your time entries with any connected app for remote work tracking.

How to get your remote team on board

You understand why you need time tracking. Your remote team probably doesn’t

Explain how you use the data

Your remote team will think time tracking is for micro-management if you don’t explain how you use the data you get from them. Show how it’s for reliable utilization insights, making sure nobody is overworked, and keeping client projects on track.
Make it easy

Make it easy for everybody

By introducing automatic time tracking, you end the biggest headache of remembering to set timers or trying to come up with project hours retroactively. From now on, your remote team doesn't need to do anything to track time. Make it so easy they can’t NOT do it.
Time tracking culture

Nurture time tracking culture

If you don’t respect time tracking, your team won’t either. Block time in everybody’s calendars company-wide to make sure your remote workers get their timesheets done daily. Add that time to their lunch breaks to show extra appreciation for the team effort.

Establish a bonus system

Nobody was ever promoted for good time tracking. Why not? Reward the employees who submit their hours on time and show how it helps you do a better job as a manager. Consider gamifying the experience to boot.

Try Memtime as a remote team

Experience the magic of fully automated time tracking as a team

Start a team trial

If your company has 50+ remote workers on board, it makes no sense for you to start a free trial as a single user. Schedule a call with us to start a team trial instead.

Get onboarded for free

We’ll run a custom live onboarding for your staff. Set yourself up for success and make sure every remote worker understands how to get the most value out of Memtime.

Share your feedback

At the end of your team trial, we’ll have another live session with you to answer any remaining questions in real time and hear your team’s feedback and results.

Go full speed

After you’ve used Memtime as a remote team, you know exactly how much value it brings to your business. Choose your paid Memtime package with confidence.


The beauty of automatic time tracking is that you can forget all about it
I multi-task and switch between programs and tabs a lot. Can Memtime really capture everything I’m doing?
What if I work on multiple devices? Do I need to pay extra for each device?