IT time tracking software, automated – but private

Memtime is a desktop app that passively captures your time in programs to help you remember your day and complete IT project time tracking in seconds.

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No credit card required

IT time tracking by Memtime


No more fidgeting with the timer or stopwatch. Memtime runs in the background 24/7 so you don’t have to think about time tracking.
Precise work recording


Every minute of your work is recorded. You can go back to any day in the past and see your day in 1-60 minute intervals.
Private activity copy


No one can see what you’re working on. Memtime keeps the only copy of your activity data offline on your computer.

How does it work?

Everything you need to know about automated time tracking for IT services
Free trial for any Operating System

Any desktop OS

Memtime works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Simply install the app on your desktop device. Your time in programs will be captured automatically 24/7.
Tracking every tool

Any program

Memtime follows your mouse movement and keyboard input to identify the program running in the foreground. It natively tracks developer tools, regardless of how many you’re using at a time.
Timeline intervals options

Any time interval

Your automatically captured activities are displayed in a chronological timeline. You can visualize your day in 1-60 minute intervals depending on how much detail you need.
Exportable time entries

Any project software

Based on your activity log, you create exportable time entries. You can organize them into locally stored projects or send them to your connected project software.

Connect any software you’re using

 Memtime integrates with any software your IT company uses for project management
+100 more integrations

See Memtime in action

Watch how our app makes your life easier
Preview of video about Memtime

IT time tracking, fully automated

Time tracking is a necessary part of delivering profitable IT services

Stop undercharging

You don’t know the real cost of your services if you don’t know how much time goes into them. Projects that bring the most revenue may turn out to be cash burners if you overservice customers and work overtime. With Memtime, IT teams can recover and bill for actual work hours, benchmark them against revenue from projects, and price their services correctly.
We recover 5 billable hours every week.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review
We calculate projects accurately and monitor project health better.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review

Stop underestimating

Software development projects are notoriously hard to estimate. This is why so many of them exceed timelines and go into scope creep. Automatic time tracking gives IT firms granular insight into past projects. Knowing exactly how much time went into similar tasks, you get better at estimating future projects and can deliver on time, every time.

Cut manual admin

Start/stop timers are overwhelming and inefficient. It eats 20-40 minutes of your day just to set timers for every task, not to mention the time wasted on context switching. With Memtime, IT teams can forget about manual time tracking. Your time in programs is captured automatically while you work, minimizing disruptions to your flow.
No need to stop and manually record each entry.
G2 Verified User Review
G2 Verified User Review


The beauty of automatic time tracking is that you can forget all about it
Can Memtime really track EVERY program?
Which developer tools does Memtime track?
What if I have several windows open?
What if I format my PC?
Does Memtime work on Linux?
Does Memtime also work on terminal servers, ASPs, Citrix etc.?
Can I automate Jira time tracking?
Can I try Memtime for free?
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