Time entries for project time tracking

Create unlimited time entries faster than ever before with our automated project hour tracker. Export time entries to your custom Memtime projects or any connected project software.

No credit card required

No credit card required

Project time entries in Memtime


Project time tracking happens in the background while you work. Memtime records your time in programs automatically.
Fast project time tracking


Memtime imports projects and tasks from your software and allows you to assign time entries faster than ever before.
Secure activity timeline


Only you decide which time entries are exported. Your activity timeline (Memory Aid) is offline and stored only on your device.

Time tracking for projects, automated
to perfection

Use Memtime to automate whatever project time tracking software you currently use
Automatic activity breakdown
Automatically times your activities

Precise project time capture

Memtime records your time in programs and displays your day chronologically. You can zoom in on any part of your day and see a minute-by-minute breakdown of your work time.
Project time capture down the minute
100% private hour logging
Protects privacy
Protects the privacy of your data

Secure hour logging

Only you can see your captured activities and create time entries. If you don’t use project software, you can log time on custom made Memtime projects stored locally on your device.
Streamlines workflow
Streamlines your current workflow

Project timesheet automation

Any project tracking app you're currently using can be integrated with Memtime for timesheet automation. Watch time entries appear on the projects in your software.
Timesheet automation

3 ways to create time entries in Memtime

Choose your fighter and set up project time tracking your way
Activity recording

Click and drag

In the Time Entries grid to the right of your Memory Aid, click and drag to create time entries calendar-style. Or hit the plus icon and specify start and end time manually.
Activity recording

Transform a captured activity

Click on any recorded activity or select multiple activities in your automatic timeline and transform them into a time entry. Assign it to a project task, leave a comment, specify activity type, etc.
Activity recording

Use automation

Set up suggestion rules to help Memtime come up with time entries for you. E.g. whenever a client’s name is identified in an email subject, a time entry suggestion appears automatically.

This magic moment

Watch time entries appear in your project software in the right place
Connect project management software
Connect your project management software to Memtime
Quickly create time entries
Quickly create time entries based on your captured activities
Time entries appear in a connected software
Watch time entries appear in your connected software

Time tracking for project management

How accurate time tracking data powers profitable projects

Project health

Time tracking data from everybody on the team is the ultimate insight into project health. Avoid missed deadlines and scope creep by keeping tabs on your progress.
Martin P. review of Memtime
Martin P.
“I can more accurately capture the time I spend on projects.”


By looking at the time tracking data from past projects, you can make better estimates about future tasks. Plan with precision and stop overservicing clients once and for all.
Den A. review of Memtime
Den A.
“Before Memtime I was definitely shorting my time worked on projects.”


Actual hours worked on the project is the only benchmark you need against revenue to identify cash burners and focus on truly profitable clients and services.
Iris S. review of Memtime
Iris S.
“I can see hours worked vs estimated hours for each project.”
Tour around Memtime


The beauty of automatic time tracking is that you can forget all about it
What if I can’t find my software under integrations?
How many time entries can I create?
My project software doesn’t support time tracking. Can I still log time on projects?
What if I don’t use project software?
How long is a time entry?
Who can see my time entries?