
Making sense of multitasking with automatic activity tracking

Miltitasking and productivity don't go hand in hand - unless you have automatic time tracking to capture your every small task and activity throughout the day.
Christina Gkini

University of Bergen PhD candidate

Hi Christina. What is your job - and what are you specialized in?

Christina: I am a PhD candidate at the University of Bergen in Norway.

Why are exact times important to you?

Christina: Besides recording working hours allocated in various projects and tasks, it is also vital for me to keep track of my habits so I can optimize my productivity and daily workflow. As a researcher, I also read a lot every day and it can be often challenging to manually record each paper or report I go through.

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Christina: I tried time tracking in the past but manually importing data was not something I could make into a habit. It took time away from my day and it wasn’t feasible to also track tasks with short time intervals.

Manually importing data took time away from my day and wasn’t feasible for short time intervals.

How was Memtime able to solve the problem?

Christina: Memtime basically requires nothing from me! It tracks everything I do, automatically captures detailed information, and I can easily export my activities and have a clear picture of my day. Reviewing the log once per day is a great way to reflect on my productivity - and helps my motivation!

What doubts did you have before trying Memtime?

Christina: Before trying Memtime, I was a little worried that I will still need to do a lot of manual work, and that activities wouldn’t be captured accurately. I was pleasantly surprised to find that neither was true!

I would recommend Memtime to anyone working on multiple tasks daily, who doesn't want to lose track of anything.

If a friend asked you why they should try Memtime - what would you tell them?

Christina: I would recommend Memtime to anyone working on multiple tasks daily or anyone concerned about their productivity. Even if easily collecting and accessing data on your work hours doesn’t motivate you, Memtime acts as a very detailed, automated calendar so you never lose track of e.g. “that journal paper” you came across a couple days ago!

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