Teambox time tracking, automated & private

Automate your time tracking for Teambox by connecting it to Memtime. Review your day at a glance, create time entries, and sync them into Teambox.

No credit card required

No credit card required

Teambox time tracking by Memtime


Memtime runs in the background and passively records your activities and time in all computer programs.
Accurate day review


By looking at your activity timeline, you quickly remember your day and log hours on Teambox tasks.
Data private to you


Memtime keeps the only copy of your activity data offline on your computer. Your team’s privacy is guaranteed.

Teambox time tracking, 75% faster

Learn how Memtime takes your project time tracking to the next level

Save time on timers

If you use Teambox for Chrome time tracker extension, you’re constantly interrupting your day. It takes about 20 minutes to fully regain focus after an interruption. Only to forget about the running timer as soon as you focus on the task again. Memtime quietly records your time in all programs without interrupting your day.
Memtime’s Memory Aid
Track every billable hour

Save time on guesstimates

Up to 70% of project hours are misattributed because people are not that good at remembering their time. This is up to 70% lost billables and project insights. With Memtime, you always have a reliable and detailed log of your activities. Simply open the app and reconstruct any past day down to the minute.

Save time on comments

It’s one thing to come up with project times. It’s another thing to come up with comments describing your work. Memtime displays the exact URL, file name, browser tab, or meeting description to help you easily convert them into time entries. Or create time entries from scratch, but copy all details for the comment.
Create time entries for Teambox

How to connect Teambox to Memtime

Memtime and Teambox are integrated by default, activate your integration now.


Sign up for Memtime

In case you haven’t, you’ll need to create an account with Memtime. It’s free to use for 14 days, no credit card info required. We won’t auto-charge you after the trial is over.


Find Teambox

Locate Teambox among the 100+ software integrations available in Memtime. Use the search bar to find Teambox and proceed to authenticate your account.


Import projects & services

Memtime imports your project structure from Teambox to help you easily map captured activities to your projects and log time on tasks in 2 clicks.


Sync times into Teambox

As soon as you’ve created a time entry and assigned it to a Teambox project in Memtime, it’s automatically synced into Teambox. No need to transfer your comments manually.
Memtime free demo
Memtime free demo


Can I use Memtime on mobile?
What happens when I’m offline?
Will Memtime round my hours?
How much is Memtime?