Marketing & advertising agencies

Automatic activity timeline is the secret to accurate billables and profitability

No more lost billable hours for this marketing agency that embraced automatic time tracking and can reconstruct any workday and log project time down to the minute.
Wolfgang Jung

Founder and CEO, team digital

Hi Wolfgang. What is your job - and what does team digital specialize in?

Wolfgang: We are a full-service marketing agency from Lauterbach/Hessen and we are already on the market since 1998. We look after our customers from the first consultation on print articles such as catalogs, flyers, or the business stationery to PR and media support to online marketing. Our focus lies in the media design print and in the online segment.

Why are exact project times important to you?

Wolfgang: Since we work on many different projects and client assignments, our workdays are very diverse. We have both a one-time billing model and customers with contingent hours. This means we have to be very granular about which job belongs to which project or customer.

What problem did you have with time tracking?

Wolfgang: The recording of the various times for projects and customers has been done up to now using spreadsheet lists. In the process, times that were not tracked immediately or simply forgotten were lost over and over again.

The biggest lever for our agency - every team member can recheck every job of the day and therefore doesn't lose tracked project times anymore.

How was Memtime able to solve the problem?

Wolfgang: With Memtime, we save a lot of time on time entries and also a bit of paperwork. Also, and I think this is the biggest lever in our agency, the team member can recheck every job of the day. Therefore we lose a lot less tracked project time than we did before.

What doubts did you have before trying Memtime?

Wolfgang: InDesign, Illustrator, Firefox, Office, PDF..... we were not sure whether all documents and tabs could really be captured correctly. Memtime alleviated these concerns for us during the test phase, so we were very happy to switch to the full version - first with the print department.

You save time, all jobs are really documented and the team has less pressure to forget certain jobs in the capture.

If a friend asked you why they should try Memtime - what would you tell them?

Wolfgang: You save time, all jobs are really documented and the team has less pressure to forget certain jobs in the capture. Memtime is a win/win solution for us.

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